About Hamsters [general]

All hamsters are nocturnal, that means that they sleep in the daytime and come out to play in the evening/nighttime. I know that they are very fun to play with, but please resist the temptation to wake one up for playtime. If you startle them awake, they will most likely bite.

All rodents have constantly growing incisors so wood chews are necessary. If your hamster does not chew on the wood [my hamster chooses not to] you can give them hard dog biscuits. I would recommend Milk Bone®.

Syrians are the only hamster that does NOT need a cage-mate, not even if you think your hamster is lonely, he isn’t. The other hamsters I have mentioned are social, and need to be caged with another hamster (of the same species). Sometimes even the “social” hamsters aren’t social and end up killing or fighting with the cage-mate, my advice: get another cage.

Then if you think they are ready to be put back in the same cage, gradually introduce them to each other again. Sometimes, though, they don’t cooperate and can never be put back together.


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