Little bit about gerbils

1. Do not give them newspaper for bedding

2. They must have a companion

3. Must be in single sex groups, or else you will get unwanted babies

4. No wheel or ball at ALL

5. No plastic at all because if this is accidentally eaten it WILL cause blockage and

kill the gerbil

6. They like to have deep wood shavings to burrow in

7. Should be fed only gerbil food! And NOT hamster or mice or any other type of

small animal food

8. They love wood or cardboard to chew on

9. Don’t pick a gerbil up by the tail… This will cause damage to the spine

10. If the gerbils fight, and blood is drawn be prepared to separate them

11. NO fluffy bedding

12. Must have a water bottle because if they have a dish full of water they could fall in and get wet and this can cause pneumonia or a seriously bad cold.

Gerbils are highly sociable animals and require to be in pairs or groups , but there are reasons gerbils cannot be in pairs or groups.

It is a proven fact they live longer and happier lives in pairs or groups.

Gerbils do best in a tank, I say 5 gallons (English) minimum each. They do best in a tank because if they are in a cage they will chew the bars of it and their noses will become sore and may even bleed.

Gerbils tend to enjoy a roll about in chinchilla sand. This removes grease from the fur.

It is alright to give them cardboard with no plastic or prints on it . They can also have un-treated wood. Toilet rolls are good. They can make two good uses out of them, chewing them into pieces and using them as a hide away toy.

Peachy Brown

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