Pet Store Problems

Pet stores’ have little nicknames for hamsters that get them more money, while confusing new hamster owners. For instance they call Campbell dwarfs, Siberian hamsters so it makes it sound like they have exotic hamsters. They also call the longhaired Syrians, Teddy Bear hamsters, cute, but confusing for new hamster owners. They also sell black Syrians, (like Shadow, in About Syrians) with the label Black Bear Hamster or European Black Bear. The “Black Bears” are normally sold at about $20 each, when a Syrian is $7-$10 each.

Some pet stores even say that ALL hamsters are solitary. Not true! Clinical studies have shown that the social hamsters are healthy with one or two of their own kind. While other pet stores say that ALL hamsters are social. Wrong again! Syrians are not social and should NEVER be kept with another hamster, not even to play. Death or serious injury will occur.

If you see any of these things at a pet store be sure to bring it to the manager’s attention. Explain that not all hamsters are social/solitary; explain that “Black Bears” are the same as Syrians.

If you do see a Syrian with another in a cage and they are over 10 weeks contact your local Humane Society. Also tell the pet stores about the dangers of wire wheels, pine and cedar bedding, and fluffy bedding if they are using it or are advertising it.

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